First off, I need to say that I've been the biggest Raptor fan for three years now, and I've never been as upset with them as I am now after that game in Chicago. I will also follow that up with the acknowledgement that very few of you care about the Raptors or are aware of how important that game was.. I just needed to let you know. I am a broken man today :(
So I just got off my radio interview with life and I didn't say anything that could be misinterpreted or possibly offensive, so that in itself is a victory. I have a disease called "footinyomouth-anitus" and it leads me to say some pretty amazing things, but today it was on vacation, and I'm thanking God for that.
This brings me to my epiphany. The other day my mom asks me to rake the lawn, and being the wonderful son that I am, I got right on out there and started raking. But as I'm raking I notice that it's actually ridiculously windy outside. So I'm moving the leaves from where they were, but the wind is just scooping them up and putting them somewhere else.
"This looks a lot like my life" I thought to myself. And seriously, it does. Life is like raking in the wind. You see this chaos you've got going on in your life, and you think, "I'm going to make this into a neat little pile here, and make this into a neat little pile here.." But the wind will have none of that. If you want to move some stuff around than that's fine, but don't think for a second that you're going to decide how this will look in the end. And so God starts blowing on my plans, and starts making them look a little more like the plans that He had for me in the beginning.
So for this reason I will never rake a lawn again. Too much thinking.. I'm downright exhausted.. Also, does anyone know when the next season of the Office will be out on dvd? I'm starving here.
Obey your parents. This is my lesson for the day ;) Also, One Tribe is this Thursday (the 15th) at 7 pm @ Clearview Community Church in Stayner. Check it out.