I thought I ought to check in and let you know what's going on with this event, and why I'm so excited about it. If you're a Christian, and your past is anything like mine, than you can remember that moment when your whole world was shaken. It was that time when you felt God in the room, and you were terrified, but excited at the same time. You just couldn't get enough of that moment. And suddenly everything you thought you understood just didn't add up anymore, and all your preconceived ideas about God and his church were just shattered.
I don't claim to have the answers for how to create that day.. I wish I did.. But know this, this Thursday night is a night that's been prayed over and prayed over for a loooong time. We've given God every single invitation to come in and take the reigns for this service. We don't have a whole lot planned... just some worshipful times, and some communion that we're going to share. But I expect God to come in and to do something great. With all my heart I do. And if I were you I wouldn't want to miss it.
The night will go as follows,
6:30 - Doors open and prayer begins. Anyone who's interested can come in and collectively ask God to come into that room, and do big things in that service.
7:00 - Music starts, and you can go about worshipping and experiencing God however you choose. Or you can sit back and observe if you're not too sure about all of this... truth be told, this service is for people like you anyway
7:40ish - We introduce communion. You can take it whenever you're ready
8:30 - Night's over, unless God has other plans. You can leave whenever you need to.
I'd love to see you there. If you can't come, please remember us in your prayers. We'd appreciate it.
You know you're curious.. just try it
- Levi
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