Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CD Release Time :)

Well everyone.. I concede that I am terrible with this website. I don't stay on top of it, I don't keep it fresh, but you know what? Who's perfect? I'm trying with this whole technology thing, but I'm a pen and paper guy. It's going to take a while for me to enjoy sitting in front of my computer, but the conformist in me is determined to try.

That being said.. Hello! It's so wonderful to see you here again. You look about three months older than when we last talked. The band and I have been in cd mode (also known as broke mode). It's more work than we expected, especially putting on the finishing touches, but the cd is set to release this September. Basically, we saw the pained look on the faces of the children knowing that they were about to enter into another year of school and we thought, "Band, how can we bring joy back into the lives of the children?"

The answer.. Would You Go by the Levi denBok Band. Now I'm not saying that this album is going to make all your troubles go away, but look how much Matt Damon enjoyed it.. We've done studies and proven that buying/listening to this album will increase your quality of life by 15%. Now I don't want to brag, but when you compare that to the 3% increase caused by a job promotion, or the 7% caused by the bearing of your first child, you begin to see what a significant joy this album is really bringing. We've infused the mellowness of a moment of worship with the swagger of Kobe Bryant, and we've come up with something that's going to change your life.

Don't do it for yourself. Do it for your cd player. Look at the junk you've been putting in there recently.. Miley Cyrus? I mean really? Listen, like our music or not, at least it's local. :)

The album will be going for $15 a pop. I know what you're thinking.. "$15? Did he say $15?" This isn't just an album. This is a life investment. Also, it's a long album and I promise you'll get your money's worth.

Thank you for listening to my sarcasm. I spent too much time in the sun today.


ps. I'm going to be running through the songs in the album over the next couple of weeks. Posting lyrics and letting you know the story behind them. Why not right?

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