Wednesday, February 16, 2011


It is funny how many things we take for granted.

This last week I was sick with the influenza, the actual kind... not the one we call in and tell our boss we have just to get out of work. I am talking the real thing. And while I was sick and watching discovery channel I quickly realized how lucky I am to actually be healthy (Aside from the symptoms I was feeling). The whole week I could barely talk and barely eat anything. This gave me a great appreciate for my esophageal peristalsis (swallowing food).

We often don't realize the gift we have... not just that we can swallow food, but the gift of mobility and the gift of thought and speech. Some of us out there are not as lucky. Recovery is long but it is certain and I am thankful for those of you who prayed for me but lets all be thankful for the health we have and pray for those who don't have it.

Thinking like this puts things into perspective and sometimes we need to get sick and lose simple privileges in order to see it. Jesus went through more crap than I could even imagine... not eating in a desert for 40 days while being annoyed by the devil... thats gotta suck. But he still lived a life that never stopped serving others and he never complained. I have a lot to learn.

So I have been listening to a lot of mellow acoustic music lately, I guess the emergence of spring is slow going and my energy and momentum is slowing down as winter lingers on... So my music reflects. I am really into some of the folk-acoutic stuff out there. So here is something I am listening to right now... Kings of Convenience From Norway... and yes the one lead singer does look like Napoleon dynamite... I know.


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