Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holidays almost over :(

Sadly, what has been such a blessing, that is my three weeks of holidays, are almost over :(
They started out on a crappy note, but stuff happens, that is life. But, they got much better very quickly! I got to see my brother and his wife and their 6 month son Jacob (who is the cutest baby ever lol). Had some fun doing donuts in my brothers 'sooped' up Subaru, watched lots of movies and drank tons of french press coffee :)
It was great to see family and just to have time to chill. I was hoping to read lots of C.S. Lewis and lock myself in my room and learn how to 'pop and slap' on my p-bass...sadly, this did not happen and i took many naps instead :)

I did have the privilege of getting some AWESOME new cd's and concert dvd's(these are my favourite!)! Norah Jones, John Mayer, Miles Davis, Brooke Fraser, White Stripes!! That is one thing about me, i don't know if anything excites me like a good, new cd or concert dvd lol
Levi and I also had an awesome time participating in a few worship events that were a huge blessing. Tons of practice put into these but it always helps in reminding that service to the Lord is not always easy. These also were awesome reminders of how much i need Jesus in my life!!!! God uses those broken times in our lives to teach us lessons that are so necessary for us to grow as followers of Him!
On a random note, but connected to my previous comment, check out Misty Edwards, awesome worship cd. I bought one of her cd's titled 'Relentless' and it has been such a blessing to me after only days of owning it lol.

So back to school in a few days...i'm looking forward to practicing bass in my room and getting stretched musically by our awesome music teacher Doug Thompson but not to the hours of reading textbooks haha...

If you got to this point it means you suffered through my a.d.d and i commend you for that :) lol
Back to C.S. Lewis, Brooke Fraser (awesome artist!!!) and maybe some french press coffee ? That is a good night :)

Matt a.k.a Kobe :)

btw, i am a snobby coffee drinker, so the picture above does not depict how i actually drink my coffee. I drink it black the way it is supposed to be, Levi on the other hand...1 cream 1 sugar and a hazelnut shot?!?! Can you get anymore girly? ;) Love you brother haha

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